
Equip yourself with all the eSignature knowledge you need with Ascertia’s informative eBooks

The differences between machine and digital identities

Our recent eBook discusses this hot topic and navigates the differences between machine and digital identities. Download today.

An in-depth look at eIDAS 1.0 vs eIDAS 2.0

The emergence of eIDAS 2.0 is a significant update to the EU’s electronic Identification Authentication and Signature regulation.

9 Common threats to your e‑signed documents

This eBook explores arguments you may need to respond to when proving your eSignature solution can be trusted. Download today.

eIDAS eSignatures & eSeals

The eIDAS regulation was built to proliferate digital trust across the European Union. Here’s how it affects business.

Ascertia’s SigningHub & Adobe Sign eSignatures

Comparing the differences in eSignatures and digital signatures using Ascertia’s SigningHub and the cloud-based Adobe Sign.

Ascertia’s SigningHub & Docusign eSignatures

Take a look into the features and differences of eSignatures created using Ascertia’s SigningHub and DocuSign in this eBook.

Choosing the right type of eSignatures

There are many e-signature schemes being offered in the market, but which should you use? This eBook will help you decide.

How high trust industries benefit from eSignatures

Learn how eSignatures accelerate productivity and trust in industries like government, banking, pharmaceutical and biotech.

Key Questions to Ask Suppliers

This guide empowers you by highlighting the key criteria that will make your project a success in the short, medium and long term.