SigningHub in Uganda

Easy-to-use, secure electronic signatures anytime, anywhere

Why do people and businesses in Uganda use SigningHub?

Ugandan business is thriving and people and businesses across the country are embracing the digital era. SigningHub empowers users to enter a new era of document signing, one characterised by unparalleled convenience, robust security and exceptional value.

Imagine no longer needing to print, sign, email, or post documents for signatures. SigningHub’s intuitive, web-based platform allows you to send, sign and manage your documents electronically, from any device, at any time. This boundless accessibility fosters unimpeded productivity, regardless of location or schedule.

SigningHub’s popularity extends beyond functionality. Our seamless integrations with popular business applications weave e-signing effortlessly into your existing workflow, minimising disruption and maximising efficiency. Discover the power of SigningHub – sign up for your free trial today.

What documents can I sign with SigningHub?

How versatile is SigningHub? Can it handle the diverse document needs of Uganda’s dynamic digital ecosystem? Absolutely! Whether you’re a business owner, a family-focused individual, a financially astute professional, or a dedicated public servant, SigningHub has your covered.

So, what documents can you sign with SigningHub in Uganda? Let’s take a deeper look:

Business documents – contracts and agreements, invoices and quotations, employment contracts and onboarding documents

Personal documents – leases and rental agreements, non-disclosure agreements and power of attorney

Financial documents – loan agreements, mortgage documents, tax forms and declarations, investment agreements and shareholder documents

Government documents – permits and licenses, public contracts and tenders, official forms and declarations

These are only a sample of what you can sign with SigningHub in Uganda. So, ditch the dusty folders and endless paperwork trails. Embrace the future of document management with SigningHub and watch your productivity soar.

Uganda’s electronic and digital signature laws

Uganda’s embrace of digital technologies has opened doors to new possibilities. Operating in this burgeoning digital ecosystem requires a clear understanding and adherence to its evolving legal framework.

At SigningHub, we navigate this complexity for you, ensuring every transaction you conduct on our platform is secure, legally binding and compliant with relevant Ugandan laws and regulations.


Can I sign a PDF with an electronic signature on SigningHub?

Yes, you can sign a PDF with an electronic signature on SigningHub in Uganda. The Electronic Signatures Act No. 7 of 2011 recognises electronic signatures as legally binding in Uganda. SigningHub meets the requirements of the Act for an “advanced electronic signature, ” which carries the highest level of legal weight.

Signing a PDF with an electronic signature on SigningHub is a straightforward process, but the steps may vary depending on whether you’re the document owner initiating the signing workflow or a recipient invited to signed. Here’s a general overview of both scenarios:

  1. If you’re the document owner:
    1. Upload your PDF – Go to SigningHub’s website and create an account if you haven’t already. Click on “Send for Signature” and upload the PDF document you want to get signed.
    2. Add signature fields – In the document preparation area, navigate through the document and click on the spots where you want signers to place their signatures. You can add initials, text boxes, and other interactive elements if needed.
    3. Invite signers – Enter the email addresses of the people who need to sign the document. You can set the signing order, add instructions, and choose security options like password protection.
    4. Send for signature – Once everything is set, click “Send for Signature.” The signers will receive email notifications with instructions on how to access and sign the document.
  2. If you’re invited to sign a document:
    1. Open the signing invitation – Check your email for an invitation from Signinghub. Click the link in the email to access the document.
    2. Review the document – Take a moment to read through the document and understand where your signature is required.
    3. Add your signature – Choose your preferred signing method. You can draw your signature directly on the screen, upload an image of your handwritten signature, or choose a signature requiring a higher level of security if required by the document owner.
    4. Sign and complete – Once you’ve signed, review the document again and click “Sign” to complete the process.

What business applications does SigningHub integrate with?

SigningHub offers a variety of ways to integrate its electronic signature and trust services with business applications catering to different needs and complexities. Let’s take a look at the options:

  1. Pre-built connectors
    1. SigningHub Marketplace: Visit the marketplace for pre-built integrations with popular business platforms like Salesforce, SharePoint, and Microsoft Word. These offer quick and easy setup with minimal coding involved.
  2. API integrations
    1. RESTful API: SigningHub provides a comprehensive RESTful API for direct integration with any web or business application. Developers can access all SigningHub features through the API, allowing for custom workflows and deeper integration.
    2. Mobile SDK: For mobile apps, SigningHub offers a dedicated Mobile SDK that provides the same capabilities as the main platform. This allows native mobile apps to seamlessly incorporate e-signing functionalities.
  3. Additional options
    1. Downloadable Web Services Developer Guide: This guide provides detailed instructions and code examples for integrating SigningHub with your specific application.
    2. Custom integrations: For highly customised workflows or complex applications, SigningHub can work with your development team to create bespoke integrations.
    3. Zapier: SigningHub’s Zapier integration is a great option if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to connect SigningHub with a wide range of other business applications, without needing to code anything yourself. Easily connect with over 5,000 apps, such as Google Drive, Slack, accounting platforms and many more.