Connector Apps

Out-of-the-box integration

Plug the digital signature gap in your business workflows

Achieve end-to-end digital transformation by plugging SigningHub digital signature and approval functionality within your business workflows. No more printing and posting, get immediate sign-off.

Prepare, share, review, sign and track from popular business apps


SigningHub for SharePoint enables users to securely sign, verify, send and track documents as they work within SharePoint from any internet connected location.


SigningHub for Salesforce enables your sales team to quickly send, track, sign and verify documents

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The SigningHub Experience – The best part of SigningHub is the customer service and team response.

Angela Withers
System Analyst & SharePoint Administrator at Mountain Air Cargo, Inc.

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The SigningHub Experience – The best part of SigningHub is the customer service and team response.

Angela Withers
System Analyst & SharePoint Administrator at Mountain Air Cargo, Inc.